Wednesday, 28 March 2012

It was bright, sunny and hot again today.  Accuweather says 20 C.  Watering is so important in this weather - so easy to frazzle the little seedlings.  We try to give a liberal dose of water twice a day.

It was an inauspicious day, plant-wise, today so we did a bit of general maintenance.  I pulled the strimmer out of storage and fired it up.  We've had very bad luck with these machines over the years.  I think we're on our fifth or sixth model at this stage.  This one's a Maruyama and it seems a good one.  Anyway, it started without much difficulty, old fuel mix and all.

I cut the goose lawn.  We don't have any geese now, but the name stuck.  While having a cup of tea on the newly mown goose lawn, we were amazed to see a Peacock butterfly.  In March!  It was a bit tatty and must have hibernated.  Brimstones continue to enjoy the heatwave.

While watering the sweet peas this evening, I counted 70 Rootrainer trays.  If every cell is full and germinates, that makes 2240 plants!

I noticed the Ajuga starting to flower, too.

Ajuga reptans "Caitlin's Giant"

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