Saturday, 31 January 2015


Blimey! It's the last day of January and here I am typing already.

We've been making preparations for sowing.  This year, we're going to start the chillies earlier than usual and to that end, we've been sweeping out the small tunnel where the propagation takes place.  There's still lots to do, but the strips we sow chillies into have been cleaned at least. 

I had a battle with the old family twin-burner gas unit.  Cleaned it thoroughly, but couldn't get it to light.  Bought a new regulator for it, but still could only muster a weak flame.  Tonight, following a discussion with Pete, I changed the regulator for the variable one I usually use for the propane torch.  We figured that the unit was designed to be used directly from the cylinder.  Not sure about that, but at least now there's a proper flame and the unit is back in service.  It must be 45 years old, if it's a day!

Dinner's ready. More later